Monday, June 07, 2010 at 8:48 PM
By Mike Morton, Google Mac TeamAs regular readers know, every year, Google engineer Mike Morton becomes intrepid reporter Mike Morton as he ventures to Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference in San Francisco. Except for the contents of Steve Jobs's keynote address, Apple doesn't allow attendees to disclose the technical bits of the conference, so he writes about other important observations and details, such as flights, food, lines, and plans (successful and otherwise). Here's the first part of Mike's 2010 journal.
Summer is here, and that means ice cream, hay fever, swimming in the pond, and — for people who develop Apple software — the annual gathering of the faithful called the Worldwide Developer Conference, known as WWDC to everyone.
I planned a short hop from my New Hampshire home down to Boston’s Logan airport, then to San Francisco just in time to get a few hours of sleep and head to the conference on Monday. Developers want to be in line early for the Steve Jobs keynote, because… well, actually, I don’t know why. We just always do. Some want to sit up front, but good camerawork and big screens throughout the room mean you can see from anywhere.
To my amazement, one die-hard Apple developer emailed me today that he plans to skip the keynote, and instead go eat pancakes and watch the live-blogging. (I won’t name him, because I worry he’ll lose friends over this.) He’s just tired of waiting in long lines. Personally, I enjoy the line. It's a chance to catch up with people, to see and be seen.
As I write this from my transcontinental flight, it’s about 11 PM Pacific Time, and we’re going to land around 1:15 AM. I think that’s 4:15 AM on my biological clock, which is the time I normally wake up. We’ll see how much sleep I get when I check in to the hotel.
One big discussion point this year: some Mac engineers have grumbled that Apple’s schedule of sessions seems tilted toward iPhone and iPad — and away from Mac OS X. Me, I see at least two sessions I want to attend in nearly every time slot, so I’m happy, no matter what the overall emphasis.
Time to see if I can catch some sleep before we land.